Executive Coaching

Making the decision to engage with a coach is a key moment in your professional or personal pathway. Coaching gives you the opportunity to determine meaningful goals, clarify your plans, and be challenged by an informed and dedicated partner. 

Working with me is a partnership-based journey, involving a highly customized coaching practice grounded in my leadership principles of authenticity, abundance, courage, and ownership. My coaching methodology builds trust and respect through an environment of creativity and discovery, enabling your best self to emerge, strengthen, and thrive. 

I offer a starting package of six one-hour private sessions with me on video conference. Sessions are discussion-based and may include exercises and workshopping to help you overcome obstacles and move forward toward your intentions and goals. Every session is different to suit your needs, but you can expect to leave each session feeling stretched, supported, and empowered to meet any challenge.

If you are interested in exploring a coaching relationship, please complete this form:

I researched and interviewed over 17 coaches and chose to commit to work with Lara in early 2020. Within several sessions, she had helped me conduct a thorough overview of my priorities, build a plan to achieve my goals for the year and kick off an action plan.

Lara was instrumental in helping me see and break patterns that were leading me into poor directions, giving me back the power I had lost sight of, in order to mold my existing “job”, into a career that I wanted and felt proud of.

I was able to refresh my story by highlighting the principles and behaviours I wanted to keep at the forefront, bringing a new approach to my team, peers and the industry overall.
Lara Holliday

I serve as a coach and advisor for purpose-driven leaders and teams. I coach individuals on a one-to-one basis and also speak to groups on a range of topics including getting unstuck; finding your ‘emprise’; entrepreneurship; community-building; and female leadership.

Working with me is a partnership-based journey, involving a highly customized coaching practice to give you just what you need, when you need it.

In 2017 I founded Tide Risers, a deliberate community for women leaders working together to uplevel themselves personally and professionally. Tide Risers members enjoy a series of curated events designed to help them leverage and deepen their skills, find renewal and creative energy, and become more powerful proponents of their causes. From its beginnings in New York City, Tide Risers has grown to a powerful network of hundreds of women leaders across the United States and the United Kingdom. My design and execution of the Tide Risers expansion plan has spawned an innovative new model for leadership development and female-centric entrepreneurial success.

I also founded Bergen Street Strategy in 2010, providing communications and fundraising coaching and consulting services to make great organizations even better.

Prior to this entrepreneurial path, my career spanned corporate, creative, non-profit, and government agencies.


Team Building


Leadership Development